NBA Champion Vernon Maxwell On a Bottle Being Thrown at Kyrie Irving: 'If you feel disrespected then do something about it or it will keep on happening'

Two-time NBA champion, Vernon Maxwell, vehemently believes that players need to take matters into their own hands when being unduly berated by fans. 

Maxwell tweeted about taking more than his fair share of disparagement during his 13-year playing career, stating that fans would comment on his stillborn daughter. However, he sleeps soundly knowing he dealt with the incidents his own way — even if it cost him millions.

Mad Max's enigmatic history certainly corroborates with his comments. On February 7, 1995, he traversed up into the stands at Memorial Coliseum — home of the Blazers at the time — and punched a fan in the face. Maxwell claims that the fan was spewing racial epithets towards him. He served a 10 game suspension and a $20,000 fine. 

Photo Credit: Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports