"Both Sides Look Bad!": Is Ben Simmons Ready To Break?


Ben Simmons was reportedly at Wells Fargo Center Saturday afternoon, according to a source, as the Philadelphia 76ers prepared for a 6:00pm game with the Minnesota Timberwolves. 

Sixers insider Keith Pompey said earlier Saturday on NBA Radio on SiriusXM that it seems like the Sixers are "trying to break" Simmons. Listen here:  

"It seems like every week, there's another bomb dropping. It makes both sides look bad," said Pompey. "They're just taking shots at him left and right, to the point where he can't come back. There's no way in heck you can bring this guy back."

Pompey says he does not like the optics of this whole thing. "Sometimes you get the sense that they want to try to break him."

And based on the latest development, the Sixers just might be succeeding. There's a report that Simmons has a serious cash flow problem due to his exorbitant spending habits, and he may just have to come back to start receiving his salary once again. There is some thought that story could just be a plant from the Simmons camp, and his way of accepting inevitable defeat. 

All eyes will continue to be on the situation, as it just might be reaching a breaking point. 

Photo Credit: Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports